LabCorp Carbohydrate-deficient Transferrin (CDT), Adult


Please note that this blood test is intended for evaluation of alcohol abuse. CDT measurement is very useful in identifying alcohol consumption that may be considered abusive. Abusive alcohol consumption is defined as consumption of 40mL of…

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SKU: LCBLD-XSWZ123211 Category:


Please note that this blood test  is intended for evaluation of alcohol abuse. CDT measurement is very useful in identifying alcohol consumption that may be considered abusive. Abusive alcohol consumption is  defined  as consumption of  40mL of Alcohol (Ethanol) per day for at least two weeks. CDT levels decline and level off to normal levels in a few weeks after alcohol intake is stopped


Other names:
  • Diasialotransferrin
  • Transferrin Isoforms





CDT Test reference levels:

• Normal: <1.4%

• Inconclusive: 1.4% to 1.6%

• Elevated: >1.6%



Serum should be separated from cells within two hours of venipuncture. Send serum frozen in a plastic transport tube. To avoid delays in turnaround time when requesting multiple tests on frozen samples, please submit separate frozen specimens for each test requested.

 Serum, frozen


CDT testing can be an effective tool for the early diagnosis of chronic alcohol misuse, for the detection of patients addicted to alcohol, and for the follow-up of treatment and diagnosis of alcohol relapse.

CDT quantitation is useful in detecting abusive alcohol consumption (defined as ethanol consumption >40 mL per day for at least two weeks) and a more specific marker for alcohol exposure than other available markers, such as γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT). It enables early detection of alcohol misuses and follow-up of alcoholic patients.

On stopping alcohol consumption, the CDT level goes back to normal after two to four weeks. If the patient starts drinking after withdrawal, CDT increases in a few days.

Transferrin is an 80-kDa serum glycoprotein produced by the liver. Its function is to carry iron around an organism mediated by iron-binding properties. Transferrin comprises a single polypeptide chain with two polysaccharide chains ended by a sialic acid residue. There are several isoforms of human transferrin with different levels of sialylation. Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), defined by 2 sialo and 0 sialo isoforms, is a marker of chronic alcohol abuse.


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