
This Labcorp DOT Drug Screen This test panel does include multiple specimen validity tests including Specific Gravity, Creatinine and Nitrites DOT Publishes Drug Testing Rule Today, November 13, 2017, the Department of…

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LABCORP  INSTANT – DOT Saliva Alcohol Test


This instant saliva alcohol screen by Labcorp  is performed at the Labcorp PSC location, by trained Salival Alcohol Test professionals. The results are reported immediately and the test subject is provided with a written result by the tester.  This is a test to determine intoxication, not simply the mere presence of alcohol. This test conforms to the Department of Transportation (DOT) model specifications.  In the event that a positive screen is obtained with the instant test, DOT requires breath alcohol confirmation.  The Confirmation test is an additional test and may not be available at the same location.






What is a DER and what does a DER do? 

The Designated Employer Representative (DER) is your key employee for many drug and alcohol program functions. The DER must be a company employee. DERs cannot be contractors or service agents. The only exception is when C/TPAs function as DERs for owner-operator truck drivers. 1. DERs should be readily available. 2. To ensure good coverage, a best practice is to have multiple DERs.

The DER gets test results from the Medical Review Officer (MRO) and Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) and takes immediate action to remove employees from their safety-sensitive duties when they violate drug and alcohol testing rules, such as test positive or refuse a test. A company may have more than one DER to ensure adequate coverage on all shifts and at all locations, with perhaps a drug and alcohol program manager to coordinate the entire program and assure consistency among DERs. As an employer, you must give your service agents the DER contact information in case they need to speak directly with the DER without delay.

The DER should have knowledge of and authority to make decisions about the testing process and answer questions about it. Again, the primary job of the DER is to ensure the appropriate and timely removal of an employee from safety-sensitive duties.



Can the employer himself or herself act as a Designated Employer Representative (DER), as opposed to appointing another employee to play this role?


• The employer (e.g., the owner of a small business) may act personally as the DER.

• The employer may also appoint an employee or employees to play this role.

• The DER must exercise his or her authority to remove an employee from safety sensitive functions either directly or by causing the employee to be removed from performing these functions (e.g., by having the employee’s supervisor effect the actual removal).

• The employer may not delegate the DER role to a service agent. Only the employer or an actual employee of the employer may perform this function.

• The Department will not authorize a “DER-for-hire” concept (e.g., a person under contract by several companies to serve as their DER), either.

The instant saliva alcohol screen is performed on-site by trained professionals to obtain an immediate screening result. The saliva alcohol test used by LabCorpconforms to the Department of Transportation (DOT) model specifications for screening devices that measure alcohol in bodily fluids.


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